We all understand the positive impact and drive that comes from being part of an effective team. When teams are less than effective, lack of productivity, frustration, and disengagement take over. Intentional and purposeful focus on building a culture of collaboration is the secret for leaders striving to make a difference.
In Building a Culture of Collaboration, Kurtis and Lorna Hewson will share simple tips, ideas, and strategies to take your organization's collaborative efforts to the next level.
Ep 24 - Empowered Educators: Leveraging High Impact Collaboration Structures and Processes with David K Richards
Access the free article Transform Your Team Meetings: Five Planning Considerations for Leaders, which includes an editable meeting notes template you could begin using...
Are you a Firefighter or a Leader? Reflecting on Leading a Team
Access the FREE webinar “5 Mistakes Leaders Make When Organizing Data” - https://bit.ly/5mistakesdata Access FREE Webinar “10 Considerations To Transform Your Team Mee...